Our HR Services

In these uncertain times, the cost of hiring experienced Human Resources professionals can be daunting to small businesses yet the need for an experienced professional who can skillfully manage the legal requirements is a must! That said, S&L HR Services offers small businesses HR expertise without the commitment or cost of hiring a full-time HR professional.

Employee Relations & Administration
It is almost impossible to avoid conflict in the workplace but you can certainly avoid time consuming distractions that hinder negatively impact morale and company culture. Our team of experts help navigate through challenging situations and find the most appropriate and compassionate approaches that bring your team together.

Payroll Services
Outsource payroll processing, tax filing, employment eligibility verification, and other routine S&L HR administrative tasks.
Training and Development
Training your workforce (your most valuable asset) is by far one of the most important resources you could provide your company. Training begins with onboarding: training your new employee about your company policies, procedures, systems, practices and more and continues with specific job training. With so many options to choose, our team of professionals can help you identify gaps and company needs and then provide you with training solutions that meet your organization’s budget and short and long term needs.

Recruitment Services
we recon that today's labour market is very competitive and that locating and hiring the perfect match for openings can be daunting and time consuming.
Let our team of experienced professionals and recruiters help to find, interview, hire and mold the best of talents for you.

On-site and Virtual HR support
Allow us to do full audit cycle includes assessment of all HR practices, identifying gaps and areas of potential risk or non-compliance, and then recommending applicable solutions to minimize risk.
These audits help identify gaps in recruiting, hiring, onboarding, compliance, training, compensation, benefits, evaluations, leave of absence processes, filing system, safety and workers’ compensation programs, termination practices and much more.